360 Layer Lab
Experiments with 360 virtual tours, i create different types of linteractive layers to take virtual tour to the next experience level. this experiments are more advanced than the pano tour layers, including games, and social networks integrations.
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: applications
Technologies: Javascript, HTML5, Panotour
Open project
Intercam Mobile
iPad app created with Cordova and css3, administrated via wordpress.
Brand: Chedrahui
Agency: Intercam Banco
Category: applications
Technologies: Html5, Javascript, Cordova
Open project
Coca Cola Trophy Tour
My first Arduino App for a brand was this. it count the users steps on 300 taps via 16 circuits that i connect to the arduino main board, these data is passed to Actionscript to show on the screen the stats and make some simple games.
Brand: Coca-Cola
Category: applications
Technologies: Arduino, ActionScript3
Open project
This projects connects users to my performances.
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: applications
Technologies: Node.js, socket.io, angular.js
Open project
Tang Rush
The agency requests a game based on the popular Candy Crush. All design and programming was made by me.
Brand: Tang
Agency: Ingenia
Category: games
Technologies: ActionScript3, facebook, amfphp, php, mysql
Open project
Invasion de Sed
The agency requests a game based on Plants vs Zombies using the tang flavors and water machines to. All design and programming was made by me.
Brand: Tang
Agency: Ingenia
Category: games
Technologies: ActionScript3, facebook, amfphp, php, mysql
Open project
Tang Race
The agency requested a game based on pacman more dificult
Brand: Tang
Agency: Ingenia
Category: games
Technologies: ActionScript3
Open project
La Costeña
the agency requests a game for the facebook page of the brand to generate engagement.
Brand: La Costeña
Agency: Ingenia
Category: games
Technologies: ActionScript3
Open project
ContiFutbol Star!
the biggest game i ever created, based on Farm it has 5 scenarios were
Brand: Continental Tire
Agency: DD
Category: games
Technologies: ActionScript3, facebook, amfphp, php, mysql
Open project
I made some Wallpapers to celebrate the hiddenplace 07 release
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Nokia Toys
Some posters and display animations for this campaing
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Hidden Place 07 WallPaper 03
I made some Wallpapers to celebrate the hiddenplace 07 release
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Hidden Place 07 WallPaper 02
I made some Wallpapers to celebrate the hiddenplace 07 release
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Hidden Place 07 WallPaper 01
I made some Wallpapers to celebrate the hiddenplace 07 release
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Nokia New Years Eve
Commemorative card for the Nokia employees on New Year´s Eve
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Nokia XMas Card
Commemorative card for the Nokia employees on Christmas
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Nokia XMas Photo
Commemorative card for the Nokia employees on Christmas
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Josue Palma Xmas Card
Commemorative card sent by email for client and friend of mine
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
One of my volleys in photoshop fights!
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Nokia LiveHealth
Example of Nokia Campaigns, i did some posters and display animations
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Motion GFX
Flyer to promote my motion graphics blog
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
No Mercy
One of my volleys in photoshop fights!
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Motion GFX
i created this in After effects
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Example of my experiments with Cinema4d and Photoshop
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: design
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Rachel Leigh Cook
My first and my favorite
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
3 hours painting this
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
In progress but i like it
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Red Night
The red lights made me paint this
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
ivette Blanche
One of my favorites
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Black and White
My first black and white
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Turn Around
Another one
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
My first and my favorite
Brand: Josue Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: painting
Technologies: Photoshop
Open project
Space dementia
I had the idea for this video when i was recording bands on my studio. i choose this song because it is powerful.
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Piano, bass, drums
Open project
Take a Bow
Another full band cover, i did this tapping arrengement 10 years ago and i wanted to record it will all the instruments.
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Guitar, bass. drums, synths
Open project
I belong to you
With this video we won the best muse cover in Mexico, that allowed us to compete in the international competition.
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Piano, voice
Open project
Another full band cover video, recorded in one take with the gopro.
Category: music
Technologies: Guitar, Bass, Drums
Open project
City of delusion
I wanted to do this to use all my equipment, i was really starting to learn drums, sorry for the singing :)
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Ableton Live, Guitar, Piano, Drums, Bass
Open project
Talismán - Air multiinstrument
I wanted to do another multicam video, but this time without cuts, all at the same time. I love this bassline and piano.
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Ableton Live, Bass, Piano, iPad
Open project
Dream on
Depeche mode cover using and ipad and guitar at the same time
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Guitar, iPad, Korg MS20
Open project
DJ techtools
I won an honorable mention on this contest, just using the samples they provide.
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Ableton Live, launchpads, iPad
Open project
I use the touchosc on the iphone to throw some sequences and the launchpad for stutters and effects
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: Ableton, iPhone, Launchpads
Open project
Figure Live jam
One of my compositions using Figure on the iPhone.
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: music
Technologies: iPhone, Figure
Open project
Tutorial MidiKatapult (Spanish)
Advanced tutorial of using midi katapult, it converts your Launchpad in a powerful midi controller
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: tutorials
Technologies: Launchpad, Ableton Live, Midi
Open project
Live Control 2
Advanced template for Lemur on the iPad, control Ableton Live from it
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: tutorials
Technologies: iPad Lemur, OSC, Ableton Live
Open project
Traktor 26 Ultimate
Advanced use of Traktor DJ app directly on iPad.
Brand: Josué Palma
Agency: Personal
Category: tutorials
Technologies: iPad Lemur, OSC, Traktor
Open project