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3d Flex UI Room


otra del maginifico Papervision ahora con Flex, impresionante 🙂

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Posters Flex 4

http://flex.org/posters.zip Posters de AS3 y Flex/AIR (2)

Flex SDK 3.3

Descarga: http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/flexdownloads/ Release Notes:  http://www.adobe.com/support/documentation/en/flex/3/releasenotes_flex3_sdk.html Enjoy!

All you need is Flex : AS3FlexDB

AS3FlexDB Si estas desarrollando aplicaciones fuertes en Flex probablemente usas AMFPHP, que tal te caeria hacer tus queries desde ahi […]

Zombie Tycoon, creado con Molehill

Utilizing the revolutionary “Molehill” technology, Frima is now able to create in Flash a wide variety of atmospheres like static […]

Tutorial: Crea un Chat con Jabber en Flex y PureMVC

As you have probably guessed from the title we’ll be creating a simple but fully functional Jabber chat client. Its […]

Shading con el 3d de Flash Player 10

Mas de 5000 trianguos en flash, te lo imaginabas? http://www.unitzeroone.com/blog/2008/11/24/some-experiments-with-the-fp10-3d-api-shading-speed/

Desarrollador desempleado? Obten una copia de Flex Builder

If you’re a Web developer and you’ve recently been made redundant, is offering you a free copy of its Flex […]

Flash Builder y Flash Catalyst disponibles!

A bajar!! Adobe® Flash® Builder™ 4 beta (Jun 1) Flash Builder 4 delivers a long list of new features, plus […]

Open Source Media Framework

Open Source Media Framework enables developers to easily assemble pluggable components to create high-quality, full-featured playback experiences. The open aspect […]

XGL, un sistema operativo 3d.. libre?

Xgl is the X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL and takes advantage of available accelerated 3D rendering hardware. […]

Josué Palma 2019

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