flash_on Anuncios

Nokia Ovi Store y Windows Market Place for Mobile

Nokia y Microsoft el dia de ayer en el Mobile World Congress anuncian sus respectivas tiendas de aplicaciones moviles, similares al Android Market y la App Store, sin embargo estas 2 tienen algo en  comun, Flashlite.

Cuando se anuncio flashlite 3.1 trajo consigo Adobe Mobile Packager, que te permite empaquetar tus aplicaciones SWF en .SIS (s60) y .CAB (Windows Mobile), asi cuando un usuario instala tu aplicacion parece una aplicacion nativa, similiar a lo que hace Adobe Air en el desktop.

Llevo mas de 2 años  hablando de moviles, en especial de flashlite, en este tiempo he visto como Adobe ha tratado de hacer de flashlite una oportunidad fuerte para desarrollar aplicaciones moviles (que realmente lo es), pero el problema siempre recaia en el descubrimiento de aplicaciones y su distribucion, por eso es que en este sentido Nokia Ovi Store y Windows Market Place for Mobile son importantes.

Por la red estaba la pregunta de si valia la pena desarrollar para Flashlite,  pues la llegada de flash player 10 para moviles era inevitable, solo era cuestion de tiempo paa tenerlo en todas partes y por fin ayer fue anunciado, pero no hay razon para diferenciarlos, me gusta ver a Adobe Mobile Packager como lo mas cercano a  el AIR de moviles, quien se encargara de hacer el cambio entre players (de Lite3.1 a 10)  y distribuir sin importar plataformas.

La monetizacion de aplicaciones moviles siempre ha existido, pero los desarrolladores de la Flash Platform la veian u poco lejana, parece que ahora las cosas van a cambiar.

Adobe rls.

2 Comentarios

Hi Miikka,Yes, you are right that it is quite hard situation for small or short term inotrevss to wait that long. It is even not sure if FL will have a bright future, just seems and predicted so. So, it requires strong funds if u really want to invest on this. However, maybe I should have been more clear at that point. I mainly aimed at small developers, who do not invest, but produce content/projects for their own (students/freelancers/’afterwork’ers). Considering a developer interested in FL and work on that (content or projects) would have a strong portfolio when FL has its peak (if it ever has). This also would yield to a considerable amount of income and competence at that time. Looking from this perspective, still looks like an advantage to me.Looking from investment perspective : Yes, needs passion, strong financial hold, ability to take risk, and long term investment capability. But isnt that required for any kind of new trend on emerging markets? One can invest on web aimed projects and get immediate results after development. But do you think this is valid for mobile development market yet? Can you get fast response as u might get from other mature markets? In my opinion, mobile development market is really promising and has a bright future, but still emerging and needs more time. Therefore, it will be always difficult and challenging to hold new trends until market itself has its evolution and catches the maturity.Uur.-


patty Carola, what great, great insights and lessons! You are changed forever by your experience and I think that is always the case. We become changed in ways we could never have anticipated. Ever since we have had dogs, we have not traveled much internationally, but I am definitely ready to do so again! Thanks for sharing this!!


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