The Streaming Revolution
Flash Media Server 3 and some dramatic changes in the product that I believe will change the foundation of streaming media. The changes to Flash Media Server 3 include removal of bandwidth/connection restrictions, improved clustering support, full content protection, streaming support for H.264, and dramatically lower costs
Ted On Flex: The Streaming Revolution
The Streaming Revolution
En el post anterior hablaba sobre lo que ocurriria, este es el contexto mas aproximado…
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basically Hey that’s cool, but Adobe isn’t going to help. And I think it was basically like Adam said in the video. It’s not that they don’t want it it’s they don’t want to matinain it. I’d asked at that meeting is there something Adobe can do to help Merapi? Especially with the install issue, and it was more or less shrugged off as Well what can they do? Merapi and AIR are seperate. However, I could see how Adobe might give Merapi help without directly supporting it. For example, maybe the internal webkit browser could load plugins, and Merapi could be added as a plugin into AIR’s web browser.Air would be opening itself up to extensions, but not necessarily Merapi. The merapi team could carry it the rest of the way. Are there other ways to give support to Merapi issues without making Adobe deal with supporting it or matinaining it?
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